On average, each of us should get around 29,000 sunrises if we make it within the range of 80 years old.
Each sunrise signals a new opportunity, and it comes complete with a full range of choices as to how we are going to live our life that particular day.
A series of poor choices in diet, lifestyle, or friends will catch up to you in the form of poor health—both physical and mental. Heck, it could even affect your financial health too.
Think of it in other terms. For example, what if you only had $29,000 to spend and you needed it to last you a very long time? I bet you’d think long and hard about each dollar that you spent, and likely would not squander so much as a cent.
So why on earth do we let so many days go by without enacting positive change in our lives or those around us? Easy. We take the easy road, mile after mile, day after day, sometimes to the point that we’ve gone too far to get to a healthy life with the fuel or time we have left in our tanks.
What to do? What to do?
Go to bed with a plan! Go to bed with the commitment that you’ll greet the sunrise. You will absorb its energy and transition that fuel to be a positive influence on your own life and those around you.
Make decisions—subtle decisions at first—that you are going to fuel your tank with high octane foods that will get the most out of your engine (your body). Keep both food and alcohol intake at moderate levels, so your body does not have to be in constant recovery mode.
Challenge yourself! Push yourself to pop out of bed. Put in any kind of miles, such as walking, jogging, running, biking, trekking, or swimming. Just get out there and move! The energy you expend in early morning miles, will be redoubled with energy that you will get from healthy exercise and a healthy life.
Crave a sunrise! Sunrises are indeed like snowflakes. No two are exactly alike. See a clear sunrise, a cloudy sunrise, a foggy sunrise, or a misty sunrise. And not just in the summer months, but the whole year through. Eventually, you won’t want to miss a single sunrise.
Here’s a thought. We don’t know which sunrise will be our last. Sadly, many of us will only get a few thousand, or even worse, maybe only a few hundred. Since we don’t truly know how many we will get, why waste a single sunrise?
Sunrises are like a great story or a really good bottle of wine. They’re best shared with friends and family. Bring someone out on a sunrise with you. Share the energy and the promise brought to us with each and every sunrise.
Spread the crave!
This premiere event will be playing at a horizon near you tomorrow morning. Will you be in the audience to live it?