A lot of people hear the words “open enrollment” and their eyes gloss over. It’s not the most exciting way to spend money, especially with the holidays coming up, but you have the potential to save thousands of dollars next year if you make the right moves this enrollment period.
Then when you use your HSA dollars for medical dental or vision expenses it’s all nontaxable again.
However, to have an HSA, you typically need a high deductible health plan, meaning your monthly premiums will be lower but the amount you pay upfront for care is higher. Generally, this is a better choice for healthy people who don’t need much medical care.
Whereas a low-deductible plan is often better for people with chronic conditions, upcoming surgeries or a pregnancy.
No matter how high your deductible, how high your office copays are, all your routine physical exams, your pap smear, mammograms, colonoscopies are covered at 100 percent so that is something folks should definitely take advantage of.
Also, check out new healthcare technology. You can now have a virtual appointment with your doctor and in many cases, they can diagnose minor problems without you leaving home. These digital appointments are often less expensive than an in-office visit.
In this video Mike walks us through a few potentially money-saving tweaks you can make this open enrollment period